Unreal 5.4 Preview: Metahuman Animator → Combining Facial Animaiton with Body Animation
I’ve seen some non-official Youtube tutorials that show somehow the process of that.
However, Following all the non-official guides couldn’t resolve the issues I am having using 5.4 Preview.
When trying to combine the facial animation with the body, I have two scenarios:
- The Facial Animation Stops
- The Face/Head does not attach seamless to the body
Would it be possible to create a comprehensive, non-technical Video Tutorial, that has a strong focus on getting this practically done?
A user-oriented focus that shows step-by-step how to achieve this, from the beginning till the end. A practical guide, not a technical demo, not a pure technical phd documentation.
I would also appreciate it, to watch a practical user friendly video tutorial, that shows the new re-targeting feature with Mixamo, etc.
Announcing all the new features is great, but it’s not practical useable if you have no proper video guidance. As a creator, you are constantly stuck with technical issues, or just the lack of easy to follow informational and practical guides.
I am always surprised by the fact, that users come up first with their own individual tutorials, after reading some documentation and figuring out the gaps in between by themselve.
As a fan from Epic and Unreal, I just do not understand why it would be so difficult to launch precise practical users tutorials, that guides creators thorugh the essential steps.
As a product manager, marketing manager, that would be also my top prioroty.
Especially, once a new feature was released, the video guides should be already produced and ready to watch when the new product is released.
The community could help Epic much faster with that, by testing, reporting bugs, and helping the team with further nuanced development.
Thx for your consideration and would be amazing to see soon such practical video guides.