When I retarget a mixamo animation to metahuman, the global ctrl do not move,and hands sometimes not come with the arm. The hands issue sometimes dispear, sometimes happen with knees. Is it an animation retarget problem, or rendering problem? My computer gpu is RTX 3060 Ti.
Hey @lupixi!
It’s not a rendering problem! It’s because of metahumans having more bones in their hands, and the mixamo animations aren’t accounting for that. It’s 100% a retargeting issue. It’s enough of an issue that one of the highest downloaded plugins in the Epic Marketplace retargets those animations for you You might have luck with finding a tutorial for retargeting mixamo animations, but all I’ve seen end up telling you to buy a plugin from Marketplace.
This topic has been moved from International to Character & Animation.
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Hopefully, this category change will help in finding an answer. In the meantime, good luck and happy developing
Thanks a lot for help! I’ll try it to fix the retargeting issue then.
I bought the mixamo retarget plugin from market place, it help faster the retarget process, but still not solve the global and body offset ctrl issue that not align with the body. Do you know how to solve that? Thanks a lot!
Hey again @lupixi!
Sorry you’re having trouble with that! I wouldn’t be able to tell you, but you should post a new thread about looking for the global and local ctrl offset when importing from Mixamo using Metahuman! That way you’re bound to get more eyes on your specific issue!