I have installed android SDK (win 8.1), and Visual Studio 2015 community.
Everythings works great, but when I tried to launch my game on my phone, somethimes ih works, and sometimes just crash.
I used test sample, nothing but few static meshes and directional light.
Compiled about 3 times - every time game crashes on lowend phone Lenovo A319 and medium end LG Spirit (quad core, 1gb ram etc…)
Then just I compiled one more time, and then it works, but every time on compile log I have yellow strange messages like:
MetaData mismatch error’s…
Like this:
And then I just launch game with different log, here is log an attachments.
So phone is not wrong, because I tested it on 2 phones.
And only strange results in game is pshycs and gravity. In mob preview is different, and in phone is very strange and objects have low weight and gravity.
When I Installed Android SDK Works, I follow steps in Unreal manual, and not select full install, only custom like in manual.
Maybe I must install full version of SDK with all android versions?
Hi Tomilslav0309,
The log looks fine; it built and installed the APK on the device. The only thing that looks off is I don’t see any files echoed as pushed after this line:
C:\NVPACK\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools\adb.exe -s 0123456789ABCDEF push "C:\Users\Tomo\Documents\Unreal Projects\Alpha_test\Saved\StagedBuilds\Android_ETC1" "/storage/sdcard0/UE4Game/Alpha_test"
but that could be the phone. You can do this:
adb shell ls /mnt/sdcard/UE4Game/Alpha_test
to see if any files were installed on the device.
Also, the logcat from the device when you run would be useful to see why it fails on device:
adb logcat -s UE4 -s DEBUG -s debug
I will try that when I came home, here on work I can’t do anything with adb command.
Here is some log’s that I found after crash today - in sdcard0/UE4Game/Alpha_test…
But this is only simple test game, to show that crashing is not connected with level design,
This test only have one static mesh floor, direct light, and player control.
Nothing else. And ih crashes, on my phone and on girl’s much better phone (quad core, 1gb ram etc…)
I have and second test game, with cca 30 meshes, materials, with gravity movement, I can fire bullets on meshes which is my building, and buillding crashes etc.
Everything works great, but sometimes when I compile that game - same error.
One day works great, one day just crashes.
Maybe I need to install full android sdk works?
Chris - thank you very much for this logcat command from cmd.
I found some errors, like this:
: Failed to load Outer for resource ‘WidgetTree’: WidgetBlueprint /Script/UMGEdi
D/UE4 (30469): Fatal error: [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Rele
Line: 440]
D/UE4 (30469): Attempt to build nav collision data for /Game/Meshes/Land/Mai
n_grass/land_1.land_1:NavCollision_0 when we are unable to. This platform requir
es cooked packages.
D/UE4 (30469): [2016.02.17-18.59.18:445] 0]Assertion failed: Assertion fai
led: [File:D:\BuildFarm\buildmachine_++depot+UE4-Releases+4.10\Engine\Source\Ru
ntime\Engine\Private\AI\Navigation\NavCollision.cpp] [Line: 440]
D/UE4 (30469): Attempt to build nav collision data for /Game/Meshes/Land/Mai
n_grass/land_1.land_1:NavCollision_0 when we are unable to. This platform requir
es cooked packages.
Everything is clean now 
My second game which run’s normal - there is no errors.
Thank you!