Meta Human Animator Crash


My UE5 Crach when I do the traditional workflow for Metahuman animator (More precisely, it crashes when I add the teeth for calibration in Metahuman Identity).

I’ve also noticed that I get a none usual message when I open Metahuman Identity (“Failed to Load template rig”)

Version: 5.2
Phone used for MHA: iPhone 14 Pro

Does this happen to anyone else or just me? And if anyone has a solution to this, I’m interested, Thanks.

bjr, même problème , crash quand je clic sur prépare of performance , gtx 3060 , ryzen 7 , 64 giga de ram

The first message means that something happened when creating the Face for the MetaHuman Identity. Did you try to use Components From Footage for this or did you add the Face using the Add Button in the MetaHuman Identity Editor?

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I did From Footage.

I’ve tried it and I get this message when I do both actually.

I’m suspecting something wrong happened during the instalation. Could you check if you can open the Face_Archetype skeletal mesh?

Do to this, in your Content Browser, make sure to have Engine Content and Plugin Content enabled:

Then navigate to Engine/Plugins/MetaHuman Content/Identity Template. In this folder you should see a Skeletal Mesh called Face_Archetype.

Are you able to open it? If you can open it, try to right-click and select Duplicate in the asset. Does it duplicate just fine?

I don’t seem to have the skeletal mesh (is it supposed to be created after making the MHID or is it supposed to be already in the engine?).

@Crof its supposed to be installed as part of the plugin, so it should be there. My hipothesis was correct, something went wrong during the installation of the plugin. Could you try to reinstall it to see if this Skeletal Mesh will appear? It is required for the plugin to work

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I need to delete and reinstall the Metahuman plugin?

Okay, it worked! Thanks a lot @mcleary

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