Thank you , I did watch your engine live streams, and I think most of them are pointless, unless you have huge Engine update incoming. You are having 2x of them every week, and most of them are some minor changes in engine and some contests, which could easly be transfered to UT. You can say, unreal tournament needs help from community, and repopen trello board and monthly who made most contribution can have some prizes, if team is small. But question is why is it small?
Also i saw this “*Last edited by ; 08-16-2016 at 01:23 PM. *”, which made me really angry, I don’t understand why an admin edits my post? If I don’t speak fluid English, since I am from Croatia, that doesn’t give you rights to edit my post. And correct or delete certain parts of it.
My question was: Why does a huge company like Epic Games need more men to work on new Unreal Tournament release?. How much workers including you, who does nothing but making 2 weekly engine streams, and talks for 20 minutes have nothing better to do, then help in development of UT.
Game is dying, people are not satisfied. And instead you are making Job Offer, by I don’t know who approved it, but I think a game being in prealpha mode for 2.5 years is huge, compared in how much it took for ut99 or other epic games, like GOW being made.
Are you only focusing on Engine right know?
I saw chinese bought 40% of your company, what are they doing to contribute?
Where is Mark Reign and Sweeny in this project. I think Unreal Tournament is something that represents Unreal Engine, and it should come to its glory. Game is full of bugs, and not playable or enjoyable for anyone at this point.
Get to your feet and start realise that you don’t need more men for the game, you have whole community built here in unreal engine forums that can help development, and you can monthly/weekly award anyone who contributes, and eventually they can become developers in epic games. Maybe this is a for developers to prove them selfs?
I hope you understood my question this time.