Message End Points won't work in Shipping Build

I’m making a C++ project with Unreal Engine 4 and I cannot get FMessageEndPoint objects to work when making a shipping build. They work in Development build and in the editor.

Here is my code for declaring the endpoint:

 TSharedPtr<FMessageEndpoint, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> MessagEndPointPauseGame;

Here is my code for declaring the message system callback:

 void HandlePauseGame(const FEventPauseGame& Message,
    		const TSharedRef<IMessageContext, ESPMode::ThreadSafe>& Context);

And lastly, here is the code for building the endpoints and subscribing to the message callback:

  // Set up the Message End Points.
    	MessagEndPointPauseGame = FMessageEndpoint::Builder("AMia").
    		Handling<FEventPauseGame>(this, &AMia::HandlePauseGame).
    	// Subscribe to the message types.
    	if (MessagEndPointPauseGame.IsValid())
    		// The message title.
    		FText Title = FText::FromString("Error");
    			FText::FromString("Pause Event could not be subscribed to by class AMia."), 

For some reason the shared pointer isn’t valid, which tells me that the builder failed to create an end point. I checked this in the Builder code using breakpoints and it seems to not work and I don’t know why. Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong? Is there some setting I have to enable for the shipping build to make it work? I am following the code from EngineService.cpp so I am certain that I am coding things correctly.

Please let me know if there is a fix. Thanks!