MeshPack - Plugin for automatic instancing of meshes

It’s out on the marketplace! Marketplace Link

I’m working on a plugin called MeshPack. It analyses the level and packs meshes into instances when the game is packaged.
No need to manually combine actors while you are working on your game.

I’ve had great success so far with many of the showcase projects. Here is a screenshot from Valley of the Ancient project

I just released the first version on the marketplace.

Here are some of the initial features in version 1.0:

  • It analyses StaticMeshActors and APackedLevelActors and packs them into instances
  • It works with World Partition and normal levels. With World Partition the instances are grouped per WP grid cell.
  • It automatically uses ISM for nanite meshes and HIMS for other. But you can also set it always use ISM or HISM.

One of the big things I want to add is the ability to pack arbitrary blueprints and actors.
This is a bit tricky, since it should never remove something that has logic. Like a blueprint that ticks or interacts with something else.

In my test map I have a blueprint with a wall, door and a trigger box. Plus some logic to open/close the door when you enter the trigger box.
That blueprint is then used in another blueprint that is the room. Which has some walls and two doors.

The plugin iterates over all the actors and components. Finds everything that can be instanced, and leaves the rest.

I have a debug option to hide the generated instances so that I can see what’s left untouched. Here you see the doors are left intact, and still function as expected!

Next update is shaping up nicely! Making it easier to pack more things, and select which things to pack.

Showcase of my test map containing all sorts of merged groups, blueprints, and blueprints inside blueprints.

All static meshes packed into 1 actor! :smiley:

MeshPack 1.1 is out with blueprint support!
Had to make a city out of blueprint modules to see what it could do.

1.2 - Easier to setup

  • Added console command MeshPack.SetMaterialInstancedUsage that toggles “Used with instanced static meshes” on needed materials
  • Improved support for packing meshes in Blueprints