MeshPack - Plugin for automatic instancing of meshes

Marketplace Link

I’m very proud to announce MeshPack! The plugin makes instancing of meshes super easy and artist friendly!

It analyses all Static Mesh Actors in the level and packs them into instances when the game is packaged.
No need to manually combine actors while you are working on your game.

It works with World Partition and normal levels, making your workflow nondestructive and highly optimized. MeshPack also re-packs Packed Level Actors. This further optimizes your game regardless of your workflow.

Check it out on the Marketplace!

Example case with Valley of the Ancient project
Large open world level with thousands of meshes. Used to showcase UE 5.0 with World Partition and Packed Level Actors.

Lyra Starter Game

Blueprint support is coming along nicely! :smiley:

Great job mate! Unreal should have natively support instancing like this. When you will have proper BP support, I’ll start recommending your pack with my stuff as a superior to PLA.
Take care!

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Just released version 1.1 with blueprint support! :partying_face:

Release notes:

  • Changed so the plugin no longer has a runtime part, meaning it now works on all target platforms
  • Added initial support for packing meshes in Blueprints
  • Added support for packing meshes in plain Actors
  • Added support for CustomPrimitiveData on meshes
  • Added option to ignore specific Blueprints
  • Added option to ignore specific Materials
  • Added option to print extra debug information in the output log while packaging
  • Added ability to ignore certain Actors/Components by using the tag MeshPack_Ignore
  • Made list of “maps to pack” optional
  • Fixed a bug where the plugin would crash if a PackedLevelActor had a ISM without a valid mesh