Meshes from blender go black

Hi, my friend and I have made some assets in blender 4.1.
Lighting in blender works looks great. When I import meshes to unreal (by .fbx) some of them just go very dark (photo: ht tps://ib b. co/rpZ5SXH).

I have:

imported meshes 1 by 1 with and without blender lightning
merged some of the meshes and imported that way
changed lightmap resolution in UE
unwrap UV in blender (just unwraped and smart uv unwraped) and in UE

Inb4 I can’t:

change version of unreal (the final project must be in UE 5.3.2. or, if its the only option, 5.4.)
get ready assets from asset stores etc.
make assets in different program than blender (in worst case scenario I could import meshes from blender to maya, but I’d like to avoid it, I cannot remake them in maya)

Can you show a pic of one?

Try checking the direction of normals in blender. They should be pointing outwards.
Blender might use 2 sided materials as default “fixing” the problem there, but unreal then renders them as 1 sided.

If the normals are inward then flip them and re-export the models

I think normals are correct, but have a look

all items:

“broken” items:

Do all items have applied transforms? (Scale 1,1,1)

Do the materials look normal on inspection in unreal?

Does applying any other material to the strange mesh fix the inverted look?

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after applying all transforms faces changed, so I recalculated it outside. After that I exported .fbx and it works!!! Thank you!

I have one more question-after exporting i get errors:

No smoothing group information was found in this FBX scene. Please make sure to enable the ‘Export Smoothing Groups’ option in the FBX Exporter plug-in before exporting the file. Even for tools that don’t support smoothing groups, the FBX Exporter will generate appropriate smoothing data at export-time so that correct vertex normals can be inferred while importing.
mesh name has some nearly zero bi-normals which can create some issues. (Tolerance of 1E-4)
mesh name 2 has some nearly zero bi-normals which can create some issues. (Tolerance of 1E-4)

Should I be worried? I won’t do mush more with the project, so can I ignore it?

If I remember correctly in blender when you choose export to FBX you can go into the Geometry drop-down category => smoothing change it to face.

This might help with the nearly zero bi-normals error:

There could also be cloned vertices that are very close to each other. Perhaps a merge by distance command could get rid of overlapping vertices.