Being that the capsule is the parent of everything; would it be better to use the capsule’s world rotation as a reference point to the direction the character is facing? or the mesh? My camera can rotate independently to the character and if I want to align the camera to the character’s look direction or align the character to the camera’s look direction I need to know where those two exist in world rotational space.
If I use the mesh then the meshes relative rotation gets calculated into the world rotation and I then have to adjust my formula to correct that, because currently I am using the mannequin which is rotated -90 relative to the capsule. In order to use the mesh I then have to correct that so that everything aligns correctly when called otherwise I am off -90. This makes my formula dependent on that mesh, and if a mesh is ever used that isn’t rotated -90, then it will be required to tweak that formula to the new mesh’s rotation.
Considering the capsule will always be true X Forward and the mesh always aligned to the capsule, isn’t it best to use the capsule? Is there any reason why I would not want to do that? Or it would be better to use the mesh? I am currently using the capsule.