Mesh Tool - A Mesh Editor

So good. Can’t wait for the next version!

  • One more request - Would it be possible to add a recompute all UVs button?

I am tweaking the override scale box to try different UV scales, but the changes arent calculated unless I actually move something.

I have been using the tool on a few meshes just for the auto uv feature - not even editing the mesh.

(I am modifying the texture coords in the material by multiplying by ObjectScale, so it is consistent across instances with different scaling)

Thanks again - tool is working great

@, sorry for late reply (busy weekend). The “recompute all UVs” function should be easy to add, but I’m curious if the existing UV Mapping functions should have served your need?


[WIP] Adding Quad Mode


( The mesh will still be saved as regular static mesh. )

Oh heck yes

Would it be possible to add functionality (unless already present) to work in 3D grid (snapping to the grid) and be able to change grid size on the fly? (kinda like one would do level design in one of those CSG level editors)

@ Thanks - The existing UV functions might work - but I am a little confused.

What I am hoping to do is click a random skeletal mesh, and edit the uv scale that is applied.

By default, is Planar the mapping that is used?
So all I need to do is modify map scale and click Planar right? (probably turn off override )

What is difference between Planar and Box?

BTW - The tool is awesome! I am really starting to use it quite extensively for a dungeon map. Works really well

@, can’t wait to see your work!

Auto UV default using Plannar Auto, but it can be changed:


For applying Texture Map manually (Plannar or Box), 1. first select faces of the mesh (Ctrl + A will select all faces), 2. set “Map Scale” to whatever you like (There’s no need to turn off Auto UV Override Sclae checkbox, the Auto UV Override Sclae only affect Auto UV), 3. then click on Plannar/Wall/Floor/Box button. (Fit mapping currently not workign well on triangles, will be addressed in later versions)

Mesh Tool use the same texture mapping method that Unreal use on BSP mapping: Plannar Mapping will project UV on either X / Y (Wall) or Z (Floor) axis, Box Mapping will project UV base on U/V vectors on selected face.

The confusion part comes that the Plannar mapping in Unreal behaves like “Box mapping” in other 3D apps, and the Box mapping in Unreal behaves like “Plane mapping” in other 3D apps. I was thinking about changing the name but decided to keep it that way to fit Unreal convention.

For Plannar Mapping the “Wall Min Angle” setting will decide whether a face will be treated as “Wall” or “Floor”:


Applying Plannar Auto, since the angle of selected faces > Wall Min Angle (default is 45 degree), the selected faces will be treated as “Wall”, the texture map will be projected on X or Y axis.


Applying Plannar Floor, the texture map will be projected on Z axis:


Box Mapping will project UV base on Axis X/Axis Y vectors on selected face.


There’s currently no explict 3d grid features, though Mesh Tool play nice with UE4 grid system. There’s draw plane for drawing polygon on arbitary 3d plane with customizable grid size setting which has the potential to be expaned to a 3d grid system, but I’m not quite quite sure the benefit over default UE4 grid system except the visual guide.


Mesh Tool 1.0.5 update live on itch:

1.05 Change Log

I’d like to be able to model level in the following manner:

An arbitrary grid like in Source 2 is super useful for a lot of things, would definitely be interested in seeing it added.

@ Made a short demo of using the MeshTool for Dungeon Prototyping.

MeshTool is awesome :slight_smile:

Are there plans to add skeletal mesh support?

You gotta be kidding…

Awesome :smiley: Psyched for quad mode.

Hi unit23, there’ s currently no plan to add skeletal mesh support. For Mesh Tool 1.x releases, I would like to focus on Staitc Mesh editing and the workflow/UX improving. That been said, I might do some experiments see if it’s feasible to do basic skeletal mesh editing after 1.x release.

@, Thanks for the demo! I can’t tell you how exciting I’m seeing Mesh Tool in action.

Noticed that you’re using “Alt + Shift” to extrude the wall, in that case, you might want to use “Shift” key only, since “Alt + Shift” extrude will keep original face which you don’t need here.

BTW, you can use “F” key to focus on selected vertex/edge/faces, and “Shift + F” to focus on whole mesh all the time to quickly navigate to editing part.

It might sounds greedy, but please, make more videos in the future :slight_smile:

@motorsep, I’ve been playing around TrenchBroom last night, the way TrenchBroom editing brush kind of reminds me of the “Slab” system used by Obduction ([Mysterium2014@Cyan] Obduction [1/4] - YouTube). I’m convinced that adding something similiar will help improving the level block out workflow greatly. Thanks a lot for the suggestion.
@Shirk, I haven’t used Source 2 (from DOTA2 workshop?), but keep hearing good things, would like to download and test it this weekend, I’m sure I can learn a lot from it.

After next 1.0.6 release, I would like to take a slight shift of the development foucs of Mesh Tool from modeling tool to improving level building workflow.

That was the idea behind this suggestion :wink: I still see use for blocky, Quake-style level design. Thanks for looking into that!