Mesh Tool - A Mesh Editor

This is really excellent work. Made a thread on your itchio community with my wishlist :smiley:
One thing I feel like must be in there that I canā€™t find is vert snapping - canā€™t seem to snap verts to other verts. Is that in there somewhere?

@JoeWintergreen, thanks!

Will reply your itch thread there, meanwhile you can go to Issues Ā· marynate/mesh-tool Ā· GitHub for planned features.

For Vertex Snapping, you need to hold V key while dragging transform widget:

Oh, sweet. Thatā€™s gonna help

Mesh Tool 1.0.4 released

Change Log

Draw Circle

Insert Edge Loop

Hey, the mesh tool leaves leftover verts after I delete faces. (I selected a vert then selected inverse)

@Stiffy360, you can use ā€œDelete Orphan Vertexā€ to delete all left-over vertices


It was designed that way to: 1. orphan vertices could be use to re-construct faces if needed 2. improve performances as while delete faces is a cheap operation, delete vertices is more expensive when mesh is large.

I think I will add an option to delete those left over vertices automatically.

BTW, The display_backface_vertex.jpg option can be used to display all backface vertices including orphan vertices. Please note that you can only use marquee select (ctrl + alt + mouse drag) to select backface vertices.

Is there no way to copy the texture information from one face to an adjacent face like in Hammer when holding alt? I would like to be able to quickly copy the settings I have for one face and apply it to any other face.

Yeah an option to delete orphaned verts would be pretty good.

One of the things Iā€™d like to be able to do is create an empty mesh instead of just editing a mesh. (I know you can create a duplicate and keep editing, but Iā€™d want to flat out start a new one.)

If we experience UE4 crashes due to your plugin, is there anything youā€™d like to have to help solve it?

There isnā€™t but it looks like thereā€™s gonna be Wishlist - Mesh Tool for Unreal Engine community -

Hi @Shirk, Iā€™m working on Matching UV feature.
@Stiffy360, just added delete orphaned verts with faces option. (Add option to delete left over vertices (orphan vertices) when deleting faces Ā· Issue #17 Ā· marynate/mesh-tool Ā· GitHub) will be ready in 1.0.5 update.
Create empty mesh is good idea (though technically you need at lease on triangle in valid static mesh). Just have to figure out where to put the right UI. Added to todo list.

If youā€™re running UE4 build from source, then the Call Stack + Error Output from Visual Studio would be most accurate info to pin down bug; If you are running Launcher version, then the Log file and Crash files (in projectā€™s Saved/Logs and Saved/Crashes folder) would be also very useful. And includes the steps for re-producing the crash if possible.

Hey ,
Hereā€™s a bug Iā€™m having with the latest version that I didnā€™t run into in the last version: verts dragging off into space in the opposite direction to the direction Iā€™m dragging in, and way too far.

Also, whatā€™s more convenient for you: me posting issues here, your twitter, itchioā€¦?

@JoeWintergreen, thanks for the bug report. The mesh youā€™re editing has both negative scale in Y and Z which causing the problem. Iā€™m investigating the root cause of the bug, meanwhile you can try editing the same mesh with positive scale.

As the bug/issue report, I would prefer Issues Ā· marynate/mesh-tool Ā· GitHub or new post in Mesh Tool for Unreal Engine community -, since it would be a little easier to post fix status and follw-ups there. But itā€™s also totally fine to just post it here if itā€™s easier for you.

Maybe when user starts editing mesh with your tool scale should be reset to become positive? Like an automatic detection and then pop-up message ā€œYour mesh has negative scale. Would you like to reset?ā€ or something like that.

@motorsep, thanks for the suggestion, but it seems the issue @JoeWintergreen reported has deeper cause than I thought.

To trigger the bug, the mesh has to satisfy both 2 conditions: 1. has non uniform negative scale + 2. has rotation.

For anyone interested, you can drag a cube into the level and set the scale to something negateive non-uniform like ā€œ1, -2, -2ā€, then drag a cylinder into the scene, parent it to the cube. Rotate the cylinder a little then drag the cylinder, you will notice the widget goes nut.

Since Mesh Tool is reply on standard transform widget reporting back accurate value, any error upstream will propagate down caussing more error. Might have to dig more into ue4 editor code see if itā€™s some limitation could workaround or indeed an engine bug.

Sometimes when I use assign material on some faces it change all previous materal ids of object.Is it a bug? how can I view and change the list of materials ids.

can it be used in a package build ?
or just in editor mode?

@silvermehran, that will probablly be a bug. Iā€™ll do some test on my side to see if I can reproduce that. (I would like to revisit material related code after 1.0.5 release, it was done in very short time and itā€™s time to refator)
You can access meshā€™s material slots via built-in Static Mesh editor:


@Muzaheed, the meshes built by Mesh Tool could be used just like normal static meshes, the Mesh Tool itself is an editor only plugin could only be use inside editor.

1.0.5 feature preview: Draw Circle with Divisions

1.0.5 feature preview: Mirror Faces

WIP - Flow UV

Inspired by @JoeWintergreenā€™s tweet: