Mesh to metahuman on Mac?

Looks like the mesh-to-metahuman plugin is only available on Windows. Anyone know of any resources for importing a mesh on Mac? Any knowledge if Mac compatibility is coming?

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I believe you just use the “metahumans” plugin
there isn’t a separate mesh to face plugin
but I don’t have a mac
if you have a metahuman from the previous metahumans in the project it might not work
they are incompatible with previous metahumans
so you can’t use the "metahumans project.
I make a base empty project and import a new metahuman and it sets all the plugins up and settings
if I try to use the “metahumans” sample project then new metahumans won’t load into it.
because they are previous version metahumans in that project.

Two years later. There is still only a Windows version of the plugin.
The Seattle Fest schedule had a session on a Mac roadmap, but it was never in any of the livestreams. The session was removed from the schedule, (or I hallucinated it).
Not sure how to proceed if developing on a Mac.