Mesh to Metahuman NOT similar

Hi all! I’ve already tried the new Mesh to Metahuman feature, it’s a great step forward, BUT! I noticed that the Metahuman from my Mesh is vaguely similar to the original mesh. How can I make it so that it is identical to what I did?

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I facing the same issue.
I tryed generating my wife several times. I made the original mesh in two different ways: by Reallusion Caharacter Creator Headshot plugin and by Keentools FaceBuilder in Blender. Mesh in Unreal Editor in Metahuman Identity looks similar, but after I send it to Metahuman Creator and assign the skin, Metahuman looks not similar to source mesh.

Source mesh:

Mesh after Metahuman Identity Solve:

Mesh in Metahuman Creator:

Mesh after skin assignment:

I facing the same issue. Any solutions after 1 year ?

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same problem here

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