Mesh to Landscape

is there anyway or workaround to convert my landscape MESH in maya to actualy landscape in ue4? i need precise holes in landscape because of i need to put a building on it which needs different heights and cuts in landscape. half of the building is below the ground level, in the ground and there is a soft slope etc.

No, it’s not possible unless you bake a heightmap from your mesh and import it via the landscape tool. You can cut holes in the landscape too btw, but the precision is restricted to the size of a single quad.

ok than can i measure a big square in maya with real scale like 10m to 10m and cut the landscape in unreal with precise dimensions?

That depends on the landscape scale and the distance between landscape vertices. But yeah, that is possible.

i know visibility thingy but how im gonna calculate it when creating landscape?

You need to do it by hand with the visibility tool. I’m not aware of any automatic way.