I am copying the spline mesh from the content example. When I use a custom mesh the collisions aren’t good. There is a lot of clipping. I’ve messed with a lot of the settings.
When I use the custom mesh outside of the spline mesh it collides just fine. I’m pretty sure I have more than enough vertices for the mesh to be bent along a spline and still have decent collisions but yet it clips quite a bit. Almost like the resolution of the collision is extremely low or is just the spline itself.
Could try modifying the collision complexity settings for the mesh that is being reference by the spline mesh.
Could also try to create your custom collision mesh. On Export. Collision meshes should be named. UCX_name_01, UCX_name_02, UCX_name_01.
Be sure that the custom collision meshes are also simple in shape. Meshes that are too complex and not broken up into smaller groups will suffer the same fate as the auto generated collisions for an imported mesh.