(error: no suitable conversion function from âTSubclassOfâ to âUSkeletalMesh *â exists)
Iâm absolutely new to c++ and try learning it from unreal engine like i made my first programming/scripting
experiences with uscript.
If i had found references in the source i would have used them, but i didnât find any.
You can setup the Model later in the BP or i guess in the cpp file itself by refering to it.
Also if you made a class of the StandardCharacterClass of the UE4. There should be a simple âMeshâ you can access.
They also do this in the Shooter Tutorial to set its Visibility to âOwnerNoSee(true)â.
EDIT: Ah, and to get the Mesh you have in your ContentFolders, i guess you can do it with this: