Mesh resolution affecting cloth collisions

Does anyone know the relation between the resolution of a mesh and the results from cloth collision. I am currently testing collisions with clothing on a character, and from my findings, I can see that the standard plane from UE4 which is only made of 2 triangles performs much better than any imported mesh with higher resolution.

The results from the hi rez meshes are causing the cloth to jitter like crazy. Why is this?

Clothing doesn’t collide with anything but the PHAT asset, so I’m not really even sure what you are talking about.

I am using “collide with environment” option on the character blueprint in the clothing section, then setting the static mesh’s collision type to “blockall” and it seems to have collisions working with other objects (only tested static meshes so far), but the results are not great.

Currently testing with 2 different planes with 2 resolutions, and the lower rez mesh is giving better simulation results, but i’m not exactly sure why that would be the case.

Hopefully that clears it up.

Since there was no word of any NvCloth update that i have read…
Are you using a custom built branch with chaos?

Regarding collisions.
Bigger tris sizes perform better.
The smaller they are, the more calculations they’ll need.
This is true regardless of what engine or system is used for them.

I haven’t even bothered testing chaos cloth yet. Given it’s about as pointless as building the chaos branches right now…

You should however - if you are using chaos - be able to select a chaos solver cloth item.
You probably have to create a custom one with custom parameters that will limit the jittering.
Problem is, you’ll likely have to change it with every new publish/release since they’ll have to keep on changing things to get it running right.