Mesh modell of e57 file is mes(h)ed up!


I’m importing an e57 pointcloud which is made up by pointcloud from photogrammetry with a drone and from VLX lidar scan ( ). I want to create a 3d mesh of this file. Then use the droneimages to texture the mesh model.

This is how the pointcloud looks in realworks before export:

This is my workflow in RC:

  1. Imported e57 pointcloud through Laser Scan (Workflow-Import and metadata). with these settings:

After import, it comes ut as 5 images(?) but as 5 clouds… it should be one large pointcloud. I can not see it in 3d, only 2 as images.

  1. I then used the Align Images and removed the reconstruction region:

  2. After this I marked all the 5 lsp files (under clouds’ rig) and created mesh model high detail. This is the final result:

What am I doing wrong, how can I get a good mesh modell of this?

I found the error, apparently my pointcloud is an unorded point cloud and not an ordered pointcloud which is only the pointcloud RC supports