Mesh jitters when crouching on listen-server

There is a weird jitter on the character mesh when you use the crouch.
If you open the first-person template, attach a skeletal mesh to the Mesh component (and set up the crouch button), you can see that when a client that is connected to the listen-server crouches, the instance that the capsule size changes, the mesh jitters on the listen-server view.

it has nothing to do with my current setup, I just tried it with the default templates and it still happens without anything changed, you just need to attach a mesh to the inherited Mesh Component and you can see it jitter when you crouch.

Hey, can you show a picture of your current setup?
my current guess would be that the Capsule size is not getting replicated correctly.

sort of found a fix for this, by replacing the code at the end of the crouch and uncrouch in the movement component with

at the end of crouch with

    	const bool bIsListenServer = CharacterOwner->Role == ROLE_Authority && GetNetMode() == ENetMode::NM_ListenServer;
    	if (bClientSimulation && CharacterOwner->Role == ROLE_SimulatedProxy || bIsListenServer)
    		FNetworkPredictionData_Client_Character* ClientData = GetPredictionData_Client_Character();
    		if (ClientData && (ClientData->MeshTranslationOffset.Z != 0.f || bIsListenServer))
    			ClientData->MeshTranslationOffset -= FVector(0.f, 0.f, MeshAdjust);
    			ClientData->OriginalMeshTranslationOffset = ClientData->MeshTranslationOffset;

end of Uncrouch with

	const bool bIsListenServer = CharacterOwner->Role == ROLE_Authority && GetNetMode() == ENetMode::NM_ListenServer;
	if (bClientSimulation && CharacterOwner->Role == ROLE_SimulatedProxy || bIsListenServer)
		FNetworkPredictionData_Client_Character* ClientData = GetPredictionData_Client_Character();
		if (ClientData && (ClientData->MeshTranslationOffset.Z != 0.f || bIsListenServer))
			ClientData->MeshTranslationOffset += FVector(0.f, 0.f, MeshAdjust);
			ClientData->OriginalMeshTranslationOffset = ClientData->MeshTranslationOffset;

not really sure if this will cause any problems.