I Imported “ICE SPIKES Minecraft” into Blender using the SketchFab plug-in. I removed some unseen objects from the collection then Joined all the objects together ( A > ALT + J ) Exported the collection as FBX (I Changed Path Mode to “Copy” and Selected “Embed Textures” before exporting). I imported the FBX to UEFN (not changing any default settings) then added it to the layer. Ran a playtest. Game loaded up but nothing showed up. I’m relatively new to all this but I tried to give enough information in hopes that one of you pros will create a solution for this. Lmk
Hi Jack, Welcome to the Forums.
By ‘added it to the layer’ I assume you mean ‘added it to the level’.
You’re able to see it in the editor before playing right?
Is the meshes origin point in a reasonable location? (inside or near the ice spike)
What happens if you try with a different material? (There are some materials in the Epic/Materials/EpicBase content browser folder you can test with)
You sure the scale is right and it isn’t importing ridiculously big or small? It’s happened to me.
I import FBX files from Maya all the time and things seem to work as they should.
yes, i did see all of it in the editor before i play tested it and. if by mesh origin point you mean the gizmo, it was centered. i think the issue is with the collision. I haven’t had the time to test it yet but thinking back on it, I put a player spawner within the objects collision box before I knew much about collision. it may have
cause me to spawn outside the map bounds and possibly made the mesh disappear. I’m going to try to use complex mesh as simple, maybe that will help?
thanks for the reply, I will post more when i get back to it.
it was a reasonable size, thanks for the reply