SO, I am using the FPS template. I noticed when I moved in the Oculus, that the viewmodel mesh doesn’t follow the camera. Ie, it stays fixed in a position. It rotates with me, but if it doesn’t follow me, it looks weird. Suddenly the arms just stay far away instead of following my real body around.
I tried to simply parent the mesh to the camera, but it doesn’t work.
Ok, I made a quick demo video. - [Youtube Video][1]
And this is my component set up for the MyCharacter Blueprint
Last time I tried it was in 4.6.0. Just now I am updating to the newest run time (Previous was 0.4.2 ). I am also compiling the project in 4.6.1
Update, I just updated to 0.4.4 for Oculus runtime. And rebuilded with 4.6.1. Stil the same behavior. I can show you through twitch what happens. You can email me at eugenio.motanum91[AT] or my Steam Is Steam Community :: Motanum SO I can show you my settings and maybe come up with a solution. (I am at PST time, I should be available all day)
I’m investigating this issue and am trying to reproduce it on my machine. Which version of the engine are you working in and which Oculus runtime are you using so that I can ensure I’m testing in the same environment.
It sounds like when you move around the level you see the first person arms in the spawn location rather than following with your movements, is this correct? Is this the same behavior you see in a new project using the Oculus? Also, are you using the Oculus in Direct mode or Extended mode?
No. If I move around with wasd it behaves properly. However, if I move my physical head (With the oculus dk2), the arms will stay in place. They will rotate along with my head movements, but the arms just stay there. Let me try to record a quick demo video
This is a wanted behavior on the part of Unreal, what you want is to set the character to not follow the HMD rotation right? You can do that behavior if you override the APlayerController::UpdateRotation function. The relevant code is there, more importantly this line : GEngine->HMDDevice->ApplyHmdRotation(this, ViewRotation);
No, I think the rotation is correct. The problem is that it wont translate with me. Check out this Video. - YouTube
I am pretty noob with code at the moment, im still learning OOP, so if there is something I should change, how can I access it and edit it and compile without having to recompile the whole project?
I was able to eliminate most of the “side to side” tracking by adding a “Get Orientation and Position” node to the construction script of the character. I use the position pin plus an offset amount to set the arms in the correct position and then set a variable that will hold the position of the arms mesh as they are spawned. Then in the event graph I get a tick event to update the location of the arms at every tick by connecting the tick event to a Set Relative Location node. I then create a second “Get Orientation and Position” node and add the position to the stored variable from the construction script then set the sum of this to the “New Location” pin of the Set Relative Location" node. Here are a couple of screenshots of the setup that worked for me. This should help get you started with the effect that you’re after.
Your solution didn’t work in my case, but I think I am in the right direction now. The gun will translate with me.
Instead of using Set Relative Location, I used Add Relative Location. Create a new variable, and now I know in a Tick how much the player changed, and I can update the gun accordingly.
I had the same problem today when I borrowed a DK2 from a friend. Don’t know if this is exactly the same case here, but I just adjusted the “World to Meters” settings in WorldSettings to 1 to compensate for it.