Hey there.
Im making a game for my college project and i have a problem in that the game plays 100% fine in the editor however whenever i package it into either shipping or development mode, the hands of the character (FPS template) disappear when i reload or fire the gun. Its strange because i can still reload and see the ammo go down or up whatever, however the mesh disappears.
Also, ive noticed that in the editor, the zombies use the mesh provided it has been built however, even if i build the whole project before packaging, after packaging, they spawn but dont move in the same way they do when the nav mesh hasnt been built.
I can provide pics of anything you need or even a video of the problem if needed.
Are you using the shipping configuration for packaging? This can be due to some mesh or animation being left out during packaging. You can force the editor to package certain assets (mesh,animation etc) regardless of if it is used in game or not. try doing that
The issue is present in both Shipping and Development packages. The mesh is there as the game loads it in it just disapears after it has been fired. I will quickly make a video to demonstrate.
I have a suspicion due to similar issues that I’ve had with packaging that the mesh is indeed there, it just has a problem with the materials applied to it causing it to not appear. Shepard mentions some way of forcing it to package assets, although I don’t know where this option is hidden and would love to learn this myself, I would make sure it has forced the gun materials in the package and see if that clears up the issue.
Im not too sure what you mean when you say “Forced the gun materials in the package” could you explain that a little further please? as for the materials well… they’re there because they display at the start…right? also, the materials on the gun are the materials used on the two portals at the start so they must be there. I noticed that the shadow for my arms is still visible in the packaged game if that helps you help me figure out what it could be?
Yeah thats what im thinking. Well im giving it a shot anyway, it cant hurt but im so confused as to why it would work fine in the editor and then just disappear in the actual game. Im using that default Hero Fire anim montage… perhaps theres something there as its only when that montage plays that it disappears :s
Thanks for reporting this error that you have been seeing. If the Animation testing does not go well, I am going to need a bit more information from you before I begin investigating.
Please be sure to let me know when you get the chance.
Im getting somewhere! It seems to have been an issue with the packaging.
After re-importing the FPS hands and all the linked assets etc, i didnt skin the arms so it was still blue, after a couple of packages with it not working, i noticed that the arms in the packaged version were skinned and not still blue so what i did was cook the content again and then build it to a fresh folder instead of overwriting the old. This seems to have done the trick! the blue arms are in the game now and do not disappear when i fire so what im doing now is re-adding in the fire animations (i disabled them for debugging purposes). If i can add those in and the arms stay then i suppose the solution for me was to re-import the arms, cook separate from the package, then package to a fresh folder
TL;DR Getting there…
(PS, this is now being built in dev mode, Hopefully these changes stick during shipping mode)
#1 Save all - Be sure to save everything #2 Cook Content - Cook it separately from the cook that happens during packaging #3 Package Content to a fresh folder -Dev or shipping, it doesnt matter #4 Enjoy!