Mesh detaching from root

I’ve created an object that’s meant to be a VR hand. It will check if anything is overlapping it, get the item overlapping it, disable its physics and make itself the parent of an objects root, the idea being the hand will take any object overlapping it when the grab button is pressed and attach it to itself as if it has been grabbed.

For some reason even though it grabs and drops the item fine the first time, the second time it will not pick it up, through some experimentation it seems its grabbing the root of the object but not the rest of the mesh, which stays on the floor. Stopping it from re-enabling physics when dropping the item solves this issue but I need gravity, the only solution I can find that allows me to keep gravity is to parent the hand to the mesh of the object instead of the root but this will also cause issues

I’ve asked a few people and no one can work out why this is happening, either the root has been unparented from the rest of the object which I don’t think is possible or physics isn’t being disabled during grab despite my telling it to

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening, any help would be amazing

an image of my code below:

So the problem lemme understand that better is that even if physics is simulated the root gets not updated… emmh there was a way to do that if that is what you ask, search for booleans and stuff…

i think the issue is more that the mesh isnt getting updated, its set to simulate physics then cant un-simulate it,

But the root does not follow mesh by default ?

I thought the point of a root was that it was the parent of the entire object and everything follows it, here’s my setup the grip is the child of the root and all the other gun parts are the child of the grip
UE4Editor_JmuwFv8BsN.png…nent-so-tricky maybe this thing helps you out, all I want is herp you hehe, I remember that it was all about making the mesh the root… I’m unsure… :rolleyes:

oh I think I’ve solved it, for some reason replacing the physics node fixed it, thanks for trying to help!