Mesh deforms when playing animation

When I do the retargeting process everything looks fine, even the retargeted animation plays correctly in the viewport, but when I use it in my character it’s like the hips does not move with the rest of the bones. (IMG #2).
Any idea how do I fix it? I already tried checking “EnableRootMotion” in the viewport, didn’t help.

Edit: If I start the bones chain from hips rather than spine01 this problem disappear, but then I lose the root motion.

Because the weight of the skin is not well done-

just in case try to modify the translation retargeting in the skeletal mesh

Thanks! That means the asset creator ■■■■■■ it up right?
I’m afraid I don’t have “show retargeting options” (It’s UE5)

yes you have
look the screenshots are ue5

Ohh nvm, thanks, I found it, I’m gonna give it a try.

I was playing around with that but I’m unable to make the animation work properly.

In both SK all the bones are set as ANIMATION, what should I try there?

Adding some more info


Bones hierarchy:

What I also tried:

Starting the chain from pelvis.
Using all possible translation modes at the retargetter.

Nothing helps.

This is wrong

In fact Is exactly the opposite I post

What is the opposite to what exactly?
Can you elaborate please?

Here, look the translation retargeting :smiley:

As I mentioned before, I tried a lot of different combinations there without any luck.

I would also like to read someone explaining why the exported animation plays correctly in the viewport but doesn’t within the game.

There is any combination to test :face_with_monocle:
Everything is skeletal except the firsts 2

That is the automatic way,… if it doesn’t work by :raised_back_of_hand:

First of all, pelvis is the basis of the charscter, so it should almost always be set to Animation Scaled.
You should take care to never scale the pelvis during animations anyway - but thats different from the settings you need. Setting it to just animation will work for almost all projects where the animations were made without scaling the pelvis.

Second, the IK bones can all be animation scaled, since they arent to be mapped to anything on the skeletal mesh.

Third, the rest of the chains can either be set to Skeleton for something retargeted, or Animation Scaled for characters you animated directly without retargeting.

The only reasons that your hip is off in game is that something else is causing the legs to move out of place.
Maybe IK, maybe a badly layered blend space. Either way something that is applied at runtime.

This being your project and all, if you don’t have a clue what this runtime behaviour is from, you need to go back to the learning process…

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My Fix action:

Hope this makes sense. In the final steps of retargeting, I exported all the animations to my chosen character.

Then I placed that same character back in as the source.

So now I have 2 of the same character in the retargeter.

For whatever reason, the character tries to take on the form of whatever skeleton is in the source, so why not replace it with your own character.