Mesh deformed after importing animation

I made a character model with MakeHuman and exported it as fbx with the cmu compliant rig. Then I tried importing it directly to ue4 but it was too big so I scaled it down in blender. After that it looked fine in ue4.

So I wanted to see if it works with the motion capture data from (theoretically it should work without any problems because those files are using the same bone hierarchy). I opened one of the bvh files in blender and exported it as fbx with default options but after importing it to ue4 this is what happens
Any ideas what’s wrong with this animation? Any help would be appreciated :slight_smile:

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Not sure if that can help you at all, but models exported from blender sometimes have issues when there is no scale applied. So if you haven’t done so already, you could try to apply a scale in Blender, then export again, and see if that solves anything.

I set the scene scale to 0.01 and scaled up the character but it didn’t change anything. There must be something wrong with the exported animation.

Maybe you use this option “Update Skeleton Refrence Pose”.use reset to defualt for fix in import

I tried with this option turned off and on but the result is the same.

Try before the problem occur or after? you must use this for a fresh character to Stop problem on a new character for fix this problem you can import character with that option on again maybe fix