Is this a bug ?
Place a physics actor in the world with no rotation above floor level
I use an upside down cone and gave it just 1 degree of rotation on the X axis so it was not perfectly balanced.
Play game the actor drops to the ground and falls over (as expected)
In the details panel of the Mesh under constraints lock X axis rotation
(set on default or 6DoF)
Play again and the actor drops to ground but doesn’t roll over due to the x being locked (again as expected)
Now rotate the actor in the world 90 degrees and leave the X locked
Play again and the actor falls to the ground and rolls over about its local X (even though it is locked)
So the constraint applied inside the mesh is world aligned and not local to the actor.
It doesnt seem to make sense that a constraint applied inside a mesh component would be anything other than local
I did try a further experiment of placing a physics constraint with an empty component 2 (thus restraing the actor to the world) and the same thing applied constraint was world orientated.
Regards Paul G