Merging Only One Actor

Actor merging tool is forcing me to select at least two actors to merge. But, there are meshes that are consist of more than one sections. It must be enabled to merge sections of one mesh.

Hi SalihBalkan,

It’s not meant to work the way you are thinking it supposed to in this regard.

The merge tool simply adds the multiple selected meshes to the same Static Mesh that it generates. It does not remove faces that cannot be seen when this merge happens. In order for a static mesh to be merged you need at least two separate static meshes, which does not look at a single mesh with multiple components as multiple meshes.

If you have a Simplygon license integrated with your copy of UE4 you get additional options and this part of the tool will merge the actors and remove unnecessary faces. You’ll need a valid license and integration in your version of UE4 for this to function though.

Thank you!


No, I just want to merge materials.

That was not directly indicated in your original post and even still this is still not the tool for that. You’ll need to do this outside of the editor in your modeling application to merge the material elements and then set up your texture accordingly in your texture editing software.

There is already an option to merge materials. I was successfully doing this in 4.11, also I can merge in 4.12 too by adding an extra -nearly- empty static mesh. Looks like they just put an if condition by mistake.

Thanks for the clarification. I didn’t use a multi-material asset earlier so I didn’t see the option when I tested that.

I’ve submitted UE-32797 for this to be looked into.

That’s my feeling, too!