Merging components

Hello Followed the webinar of Tim Hanson with his photos provided I try to redo the fusion of the components step by step. With a component of 246 photos taken at ground level and the second component 749 taken in height of his little character. Installation of 2 control points in the same places as the tutorial. But by merging the components I get … two new components identical to the first ones. Look at all settings but I can’t find it!

I would like to apply this technique to join components for example of a large area grouping overlapping aerial views

Thank you

Hello Well in fact after several attempts I succeeded … simply by adding a control point !   so 3 in all

Hello, yes, you need minimal 3 control points. Simply, from 2 points you have only line and from 3 points you have a plane. There isn’t so much degrees of freedom.

Yes it seems very logical and that’s why I did it. But in the webinar of November 11, and unless I am mistaken, we move on to the merging of components with point 0 and point 1 only and it is  after the merging that we discover a point 2. There must be a “hole” in the video recording about creation of point 2