If I download asset packs from the marketplace how do I merge the templates into one project that is editable? For example, I downloaded a gas station pack and a shopping mall pack, both include demo maps with prebuilt structures using all of the individual assets (walls, floors, etc.). I want to use the templates as a starting point and edit them to make them unique. When I try to port each into a new project it merges as one entire static mesh and I can’t edit or remove individual assets like the walls. How do you merge editable templates?
It depends on the content that is within those templates / projects. If you want assets you will have to manually move assets from one content folder into another. You can do the same with plugins, just make sure they are enabled on the new project.
If you are more specific, it might be easier to help you.
One way to do it that makes it nice and simple is to create blueprints of the templates - go into the template, select all the actors you want, then from the Blueprints Menu select “Convert Selection to Blueprint Class”
Then you can just right-click that from the content browser and migrate to your project - it handles making sure all content required by the new Blueprint is migrated.
The downside to this method is then to edit it (eg the walls) you need to edit the Blueprint rather than in the actual level.
I’ve got a tool on the marketplace (rdBPtools) that extends the “Create Blueprint from Selection” to give more features such as ISMs and randomization - and the ability to copy everything back to your level as individual actors - then it’s easier to edit them - and convert back again later if wanted…