I am trying to merge together the materials for static meshes that are adjacent to each other (Like when building a pathway or tilling soil) so that the texture will combine into 1 big texture vs 2 individual textures so it doesn’t look as modular. Any ideas? Currently experimenting with adding collision boxes at the edges of the meshes to see if it can detect that there is an adjacent tile but I can’t get it to trigger for some reason.
Before you get the collision working, I’d have a go at getting that texture merging working. I have no idea how you’re going to do that…
Hello @anonymous_user_2128e62f1 !
What are you searching for it’s called “Virtual Texture”, a way to blend 2 different textures of different meshes. I leave you a few links of information.
Here is a community tutorial in UE4, but should work the same in UE5.
And here is the Unreal documentation about it.
I hope this helps you!
Thank you for the suggestion, this was actually a Paper2D project so any kind of blending wouldn’t work due to blurring the pixel art. I was able to figure out a method that feels overly complicated but I was eventually able to get it to work.
If anyone has a simpler method that I may have overlooked I would still like to know or if anyone else is having the same problem I can try to put all of the information together and post it here. This is what my experiment looks like currently -