merge medols to single one

holle Everyone!
I have some problems in my project,I use script to divide my secne into 75 part. they are in a same component,and the script reconstructed them. Now i don’t konw how to merge them into a single one,i need to export it for Cesiumjs. I should merge them in RC then export it or export them one by one and use tool to merge them.
I need the 3dtiles format.

Hi, we do not have any tool for merging geometry. But if you are exporting to Cesium this is one situation where you can export a huge model and would not need to use the divider script as cesium tiles do a very similar job to the divider script making the huge model more manageable. Regarding merging the tilesets you might find more luck on the cesium forums. The divider script was meant mainly for Unreal Engine or similar applications, where there is a plugin available for importing the different models and textures.

thanks for your addvice.
i don’t want divide it.but this scene is so big.If i reconstruct it together, RC will crash due to short of memory.So i divided it into some small blocks and rencontruct them as you can see.Now i want to export it in 3dtiles format.and merge them to be one0 .json ,but i don’t know how to do it

Ahh I see, I’m afraid we don’t have any tools to do this, but I would imagine it is possible.