Merge Arrays in Blueprint UMG

Hi all…

Im creating a dynamic list in umg that pulls players information into a bar.
1: Players Rank Icon (Slate brush asset)
2: Players Name (Text)

And i can get it so show: for example 4 players names with a for each loop etc.

But im not sure how i go about combining the 2 arrays together (Players Rank Icon (Slate brush asset) + Players Name (Text)) Before i add to the for each loop … Or am i trying the wrong approach.
Thanks for any advice in advance.

I was informed by NIckDarnell - Which solved my problem:
The struct advice requires you to change the storage mechanism to always use structs, so that you’re not trying to compose them out of multiple arrays. Use a ‘for loop’ instead of the ‘for each loop’, then you can just access the same index in a single pass for multiple arrays.