Guys, do not worry about English.
I created a menu containing a button for each scene. When I click a button, I want the actor to go to the position, without the need to walk to the scene.
An example: I have a house and I want to navigate the rooms. I want to give the user the option to select the room through the menu.
I only have one level, but it is big depending on the project.
I created the project in FisrtPerson Blueprint.
In your menu you can cast to your Player character and then set actor Location to that Location that you want. You can make a custom Event. Make a Input as a vector. In that custom Event call set actor Location and plug that vector in the Location.
In your menu blueprint you have to get your Player (get Player Controller) and then cast to the Player. Call your new custom Event and set the vector that you want.
Hope this helps