
Hi, I wanted to check whether MemoryProfiler2 is still supported or in a working state. I cannot get any callstacks out of the captured .mprof files. I rebuilt the MemoryProfiler2 solution as well to make sure.



Though my own experience, MemoryProfiler2 is still valid for UE 4.25.
To enable profiling, find /Engine/Saved/UnrealBuildTool/BuildConfigurations.xml
and add




Then rebuild your engine from source.

Once successfully rebuilt, your game project will have memory profiling functions running since your editor is launched.
You could either type mprof stop in the editor console (cmd) if you want to stop the profiling, or simple close the editor as normal.

The profiling file will be output to YourGameProject\Saved\Profiling\xxx.mprof, if you stop the profiling through mprof command, the output window will also tell you where the output file locates.

To analyze this file, change the launching project to MemoryProfiler2 in your IDE (e.g. Visual Stuido), and then you’ll see a program with blue Unreal icon starts, you may import the file, and then click the green “Go” button in the program, which will provide you with the analysis and visualization.