Memory leaks in Launcher

After downloading the content and creating projects using the downloaded content and tested them I left launcher open and went to sleep (so did my laptop). Next day morning when I observed the memory in task manager that launcher has occupied more than 2GB RAM which I found very unusual. It settled after I restarted launcher and I never seen launcher eating up that much memory since last 3-4 days

Hi NotReal1,

Thank you for the report. This is a known issue that has been logged in our tracking software. Our developers are actively investigating the issue.

Please post your dxdiag (system specs) and your Verbose logs so we can add them to the report.



where to find the verbose logs? will it be useful, the issue happend 3-4 days ago and I could not reporoduce. Think will need to download heavy files again

If you’re not able to reproduce the issue then you should be fine. But if it happens again, the link I posted above has 10 steps at the bottom of the page to generate and find your Verbose logs. You shouldn’t have to download anything additional.

I got how to get logs

I have this issue happen all the time. If its open for more than 24 hours (I’m not sure what the cutoff is), then it has 1+ GB memory usage with 100% usage of a single thread. Since I have 8 threads in my processor, I get 13% total CPU usage. I’ve had this issue for the whole time I’ve subscribed. Its more of an annoyance than anything.