Hello everyone!
Today I’ve been programming for near eight hours straight and noticed something relating to my memory usage. Over the time span my in-use memory went from 3,600mb to 8,700mb. I restarted my editor and it dropped back down to 3,600mb but I was wondering if anyone else experienced this and if so, how do I fix it so at least the packaged version of my game is clear?
I would like to state that this happened even whilst the editor was idle.
So, I don’t actually think it’s a memory leak. Unreal is programmed to use as much memory as possible (while, at the same time, relinquishing memory should other programs need them; I’ve tested this). So you could have all the memory RAM and VRAM in the world, and you’ll still end up with Texture Pool errors and their ilk.
Since 5.4, I’ve experienced an extreme loss in performance in some aspects, although there were also plenty of improvements. The main problem appears to be with how the engine gets rid of junk that shouldn’t be taking up ram. I imagine the problem went back to 5.0 but I’ve only now hit the bottleneck.