Hey guys just another n00b trying to learn unreal. I have a melee damage system set up on a notify state that sphere traces length of the weapon and applies damage once to actor it hit. The problem I’m running into is that when there’s a group of melee enemies their sphere traces damage each other. I’ve tried adding them to an array of ignored actors but I’ve been stuck for awhile and running out of brain juice and need some help!
I think my pathetic 50IQ small smooth pea brain isn’t cut out for complex subjects like unreal and game development I did some searching into game play tags and it sounded as easy as setting them in project settings and then adding a gameplay tag variable to the actor but I tried that and no results. I have attached 2 images to display just how stupid I am
Oh. Its not stupidity but the fact that the easy ones to use are just tags.
an option under the defaults for the actor. Both in the level (so when you add them) or in the class defaults/settings of the actor.
Follow this.
Also the twin shooter walktrhoguh in the learn/academy is a good resource to learn different interesting things.