i am searching for houres for an result two implement the Gore System in a Melee Attack. I was searching About the Make Hit Result . I read in a Forum from the Gore System that this Function must to be changed from the Break Hit Result but i can t find anything in the Internet or here in the Forums how i have two Set it up in a Blueprint. If someone can save my Time it would help me a lot before i waiting one year how two do that.
Any Help is welcome
Im not sure what you search exactly but if you need this BreakHitResult node, you have to make a LineTraceByChannel (this will trace a line starting at “Start” input and ending at “End” input. Then, you can break the “Hit” output like here :
Be careful, you can see on the Picture, Trace Channel : Visibility
Then, only objects which Block or Overlap the Visibility Channel will be hit. You can set this in the Object property under Collisions (just click on the CapsuleComponent of the actor you want to Hit and search for Collision in the Details Panel. :