
Update: The game has come a long way since I made the first video. So here’s a newer one.

Mekkablood is a boomer shooter I’ve been working on for awhile now. It takes place in the near future where groups(corporations/tribes/governments) compete for resources and use the mechs(mekks) to gather them. I use sprites/flipbooks instead of 3d models for the enemies.


Hi there @crumbaker,

Love the art style for this. Very old school and nostalgic. Do you plan on releasing more trailers for us to see? :slight_smile:

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Yes I definitely do. Still very early but most of the hard parts are done. Will be showing a melee weapon here soon, along with some updates to the hud, better animations, and much more to come.

And thank you for the comment.

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No, thank you for taking the time to respond to me :slight_smile: I look forward to seeing the melee weapon update!

Added the dual saws for a melee weapon, and changed the hud color. Next up will probably be more hud updates followed by better animation for some of the enemies.

Edit: size of weapons have increased since this video.

Should I add more hair to the arm?

Added an arm with a control stick that moves when you change directions.

Added a mekk that takes the place of the doom face placeholder on the lower second to the right screen. Various parts of the mekk turn red as it takes more damage.

Increased the dual saw weapon size.

Edit: Enemies now have knockback.

  • added push back upon shooting enemies
  • added stick and boost lever movement
  • added trash movement
  • added crt like post process effect
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  • Added some smooth moves.
  • Changed up the cockpit a bit
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added a new spider enemy
added new hit animation to your mekk
added hit animations to enemies
added new death animations to enemies
changed machine gun and rocket launcher firing animation
changed weapon bob to be faster to match the pace of the mekk
various bug fixes like enemies flying through air when being hit on ramps

A little overview of how I built this Boomer Shooter in UE5, and why someone else might want to use it for something unconventional like this.


Kickstarter coming June 8th!

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The game has become a lot more polished since the last time I posted, added new animations to everything, and some new enemies. This is the best spot to keep track of the progress if you’re interested.

Looks like the video for the new trailer is set to private. Looks cool though.