Megascans trees not visible in foliage mode

Hi all,
I have downladed a trees pack from megascans in the vault (11.5 Gb) but for some reason I cannot add them to my project. I installed other packs with no problem
I tried copying the files manually from the vault folder (a solution I saw somewhere in the forum) but Unreal doesn’t “see” them when in foliage mode (although they are visible in the content folder)

I tried everything including:

  • resarting unreal
  • erasing local files and downloading again
  • copying the project
  • checked disk space: more than 100 Gb free
  • version control: everything compatibe (5.2)



(here, I tried to overwrite them but I tried at least two times removing and adding them and it still failed)
any idea why I can’t add them to the project? (or how I could add them manually)

I have the exact same issue. I’ve downloaded + added a tree Pack from Megascans to my project and the foliage folder is not showing. Re-installing is also not working.

I tried creating a new project from scratch:
the trees were added to the project without problem but are still not visible in foliage.
is there some plugin I should install? (bridge is already installed)

I am going crazy.

at some point megascans trees just stopped appearing in my projects. I’ve spent the last two days creating new projects or copying my old ones. The contents appear on the content drawer but for some reason they don’t appear on the foliage mode. I even tried reimporting them, nothing it is as if Unreal doesn’t recognize them.

is there some plugin I could be missing? (other than bridge) What can I possibly do? I’ve run out of ideas to try


Hey there @aris777! It seems like the foliage folder itself didn’t seem to survive the import. The foliage file here is what you’re looking for:

Does it throw the install failure on brand new projects? You may have to clear your local vault content for it and reinstall them before adding them to new projects.

Let me know if that works!