Megascans plugin error on UE5ea startup

Hi UE community,
Since this is my first post, I’d like to thank all EPIC devs for all the goodies :slight_smile:

Now here’s the error message that pops up on starting UE5ea…

Error message:
“The MegascansPlugin plugin was designed for build 4.26 Attempt to load it anyway?”

I probably messed up my UE5 Bridge installation, after I tried to reinstall plugins via the standalone Bridge app. Is there a way to fix this without redownloading the whole UE5ea app?

THX and cheers


It seems that the internal bridge app for UEea doesn’t recognize your previously downloaded assets. UE5ea creates a new folder in the “downloaded” folder, called “Uassets”. I naively tried to install the old bridge plugin for UE5ea via the standalone app, so I get the mentioned pop-up whenever I launch UE5ea. The inbuilt bridge app still works though.


I have the same issue, if you solve the problem can you help me?


Hey @EvrimShinka , I searched for “megascansplugin” on my system. I found it in my system install dir (typically C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.0\Engine\Plugins). I deleted the Megascansplugin folder. Don’t delete the Bridge folder in the plugins dir.
I also searched for the plugin in my standalone Bridge application and deleted them, but I’m sure that did not have any effect.

Now when I load up UE5 I don’t get the annoying dialogue box popping up anymore.
Let me know if this worked for you.


I just ran into this issue and your solution fixed it perfectly.

Very clutch thank you! Not sure why they created a prompt for it? It should just load for UE4 versions and ignore UE5 but the bridge standalone is botched for the newest version of Unreal anyways so there are redundancies all over the place and that’s not even mentioning if someone creates more than one megascans library folder and has to migrate everything.

After searching on the Internet for a long time, it was finally solved. :smiley:

Works perfectly !! Thanks

Thanks alot!!

Its solved here too! Thanks a lot!

Just had the problem and the folder was in C:\Program Files\Epic Games\UE_5.2\Engine\Plugins\Marketplace
Removing it fixed the problem