Megascans License?

about two weeks ago I purchased over 4000 megascans assets under the UNreal Unlimited license on quixel. Now, I have claimed all megascan assets here on fab under the standard fab license. My question now is what license appied to those assets i have ben owning before fab launched. Here (, it sais that the Unreal Unlimeted license still applies, meaning, that I cannot use the assets outside UE projects. However, when I click previously owned assets here on fab, it says that the fab standard license applies, which would mean that i could use those assets in Blender as well. Can someone help me? Can I now use the Unreal Unlimited megascans in BLender, etc. due to them being included in the fab standard licence as well? Thanks for your help in advance!

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You will need to re-download the assets in FAB, which were previously acquired under Unreal Unlimited plan, to comply with your current Standard license policies. If not re-downloaded, these assets will remain subject to the Content EULA and will be considered UE-only content, under your previous UU plan.

Thanks for your reply! So as long as I delete my Quixel downloads and redownload them from fab I should be fine?

As long as the steps outlined in my previous comment are followed, you are all set.

Thank you!

Hi @Urooj.shahzadi. I am new to FAB for the big anouncement that we can claim megascans. I am not sure what I should believe licence wise. Last week quixel Start page said it’s free for use in unreal engine. Now FAB says it’s free for usage in all engines. I want to kindly ask of you can give us a clear Statement. Are we allowed to use all megascans in unity for free? Or do we need any Kind of subscription? Or do we need one once a specific revenue is earned? Pls help me out here. It’s not clear for me

Under the Quixel Unreal Unlimited plan, you were licensed to use Megascans in your UE project for free.

Under Fab, the license is different, and the Megascans obtained from Fab will be associated with the new license. We recommend reading over the Fab End User License Agreement for full details on how this content can be used.

This is how I understand it: fab has 2 regular commercial licences (Personal and professional). For megascans it has Standard licence. As long as we dont sell assets in it’s own, make sure to not give it to players seperatly and dont violate laws, we are free to use in in any 3rd Party Software (Such as unity) to create and sell commercial products with all claimed megascans Under Standart licence. No subscription needed. No revenue count to force a subscription. Can someone pls confirm that we can make games this way?

This is actually the same “fab standard” license for the “personal” and “professional” level
Only your annual income level impacts the choice.
Both are for commercial use .

When you take a look at some paied assets you See 2 licences. Personal and professional. Megascans in the other hand has a Standart licence. So my question: is it 100 % completly free to use in unity or does the revenue count? Or is it rly free?

I am very curious too. I even asked plain straight question to the support team and they couldn’t answer to me and advised to ask my legal advisor to go through the license.

So I guess it is safe not to use these assets with the standard fab license if ones revenue is more than 100k. I really hope I am wrong here but for now this is how I understand it.


Can someone pls answer this question? Thanks

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