I would like to optimize the 8K Megascans images and therefore I ask if there is any software or something online photoshop. I know many but I want something a little extreme without losing quality.
Yes I know there is a lot of information about it. That’s why I’m asking someone who has used it. I don’t ask for random advice from some AI.
The Megascans textures are “too high”.
Does anyone know of any website or Github project that has approximately 250% to 500% optimization?
Therefore, if the image weighs 700 MB we have:
250% with 700 = 280 MB
250% with 700 = 140 MB
I’m happy with >200%
Who has used an image optimizer for Megascans for 8K?
Before posting anything you find on the Internet or what the AI has told you:
1 - Could you show some images of the weight and the resulting quality in UE5?
2 - Comparison of viewing at different angles with optimal quality (4K-8k preferable)
3 - What type of LOD do you have?
4 - Redering distance
I think these basic options are enough. I won’t ask for other more complex things like how path tracing affects the optimized figure with increasing light…
Something simple like what I mentioned. Once this is done, I would like you to tell me what type of software/website you have used.
Note: I mention this, since many people give random information. That’s why I need someone who knows about the subject.
I don’t think anybody is going to follow those instructions, but I can tell you, I’ve spent some considerable time on this.
8K is almost totally pointless. You can only see a difference when you have the object scaled up and you have your nose on it.
Often 4k is a bit much too. This guy authored a material which actually shows you want resolution you need, as you wander around the level
Having said that, you don’t need to convert, per se, because you can just set the minimum mip value in the textures, which limits the resolution shown and loaded, and shipped.
If you’re specifically worried about getting the project size down, then the easiest way by far, is a plugin like this ( very good )
@RecourseDesign: Would you be interested in commenting on the efficiency of your texture reduction algorithms?
In the meantime, I notice this, specifically about MS textures
The idea in the video is very good with the Nvidia and Photoshop plugin to create a “scalable” texture.
I don’t really like the idea of that, since if I’m not mistaken, UE5 takes care of that. The UE5 method is much more precise than a third-party Nvidia plugin. It’s the LOD.
In addition, I prefer to have 4K or 8K always active. I want the distances not to be blurry, but as sharp as possible (although UE5 automatically makes them blurry thanks to its distance LOD scaling).
I understand that it’s stupid, but those are preferences. Everything has a reason.
If I’m not mistaken, I’m not an expert in textures or graphic design, but UE5 already has that functionality.
I am looking for a tool that optimizes the weight of the .png to choose the 700 MB .png and reduce it to 200 MB at most without losing almost any quality.
One thing is to optimize the preview (proximities and distances), which the UE5 LOD already does automatically based on your texture, and the other is to optimize the image by significantly reducing the weight of the image without losing quality.
I think you might have missed the crucial point of the vid. He pre-made the texture mips in Photoshop, and then let the engine use the ‘custom mips’, to show that most of the time even 1k is overkill.
Mips, is LODs for textures. Yes, it happens in the engine automatically, but you can opt out of the higher mips.
When you compress textures, no matter what tool you use, you will lose information. You have to. Maths isn’t magic, you have less information, less definition. That’s it
I’m looking for something free and fast.
Something like taking 20 textures/images and reducing the size without losing practically any quality of the 20 textures/images.
Then within the editor I will take care of applying the best way for its visualization.
You really don’t want to use 8K - as Clockwork Ocean says you just won’t be able to tell and they’re just too heavy for projects.
At work I’ve been reducing 8K textures down to 2K - things like the ORM/ORMH can often be reduced to 1K without any noticable difference - same with the Normal.
With MS textures - the first thing you can do is reduce it to 8bit from 16bitfloat - halving the size.
Textures aren’t stored in your gfx card as PNGs or any disk-based type of compression - they use BitCompression routines (e.g. BC1/DXT1) which are a lot faster to decompress (but don’t save as much space).
Probably the 2nd best thing you can do is to change the LODBias on the texture to reduce it’s main MIP - each time you bring the LODBias up, it’s reducing the VRAM used to 25% of previously.
Generally I have both in mind.
1 - optimizing their disk footprint, it would be optimizing it to a lower percentage, as I mention on this website
2 - VRAM usage, I’m thinking webp
I have commented on point 1 in this post, since point 2 I need to check many things.
Note: I have more points than those two but they escape point 1. So point one for now I think is essential. That’s why I’m looking for something for point 1. But I think I found something similar to what I needed
Do a test - convert the MS textures to 8bit PNGs with something like Krita or Gimp and import those - then do a side-by-side comparison of the textures in your level with the original 16bitfloat versions.