I seem to be having an issue where the shadows appear flipped for megascan cliffs. It’s like the normals are inverted allowing light to pass through the cliffs. I can’t seem to find a solution to this. I’m using 5.0.3.
I don’t think there is a solution. If you allow light from the back like that, you’ll get this effect. Notice in the background, it’s not happening.
You can make the material ‘two sided’, but it’s a little inefficient.
You can use shadow blocking meshes, I believe that’s what Epic used in the Valley demo. Can hide them and use rough approximations, but takes a bit of work.
I tried it. You’re right about the inefficiency. But thanks. It didn’t really work (but it’s much better, even though with some tiny lights bleeding through). Reverse culling works in making the shadow appear correctly, but the mesh becomes transparent because the back becomes the front.
Sigh… If all else fails I might have to consider your suggestion (never even thought in this direction). Thanks for the advice.