Megascan Blender addon

Hi. Is version 3.6 of your addon for Blender working correctly? I can not see the version date, but I do recall all materials were wrongly plugged into the principal shader node.

Before adding it to Blender, I want to know if this is a new addon update.

Thank you

The last version 3.6 was updated more than a year ago. It’s correctly work only in blender 2.8 and forward. I use my own edited addon, and it should work for Blender 4.0 (7.1 KB)


I tried using your addon and it worked perfectly. Thanks. Anyway, MS plugin for blender never bring in the displacement maps when importing surface materials to blender. How can I get it also import displacement maps(exr files) ?

I didn’t change the original addon much. So importing the displacement map works the same as in the previous version. In Render Engine set Cycles and Feature Set to Experimental.

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Thank you, @Zende. The addon you shared wasn’t working on Blender 4.1, so I made some modifications to your code. The updated addon is now working well with my Blender 4.1 version. (5.4 KB)

Love form Korea

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It’s strange that my version didn’t work. For me, from version 4.0 and above, everything works fine. Btw, I forgot to post it here, but I have a new updated version or - Google Drive. There are literally a couple of changes.
-Fixed error connecting textures to the Principled BSDF node.
-Replaced the outdated MixRGB Node with the Mix Node when using an AO texture
-Changed the setup for materials with a translucent texture
-Added TexCoordinate and Mapping nodes for the EEVEE
-Added the Value node to control texture size

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