The lightmaps of the objects are not properly created , there are several spots. The vessels in the foreground have a bad reflection due to incorrect lightmap resulting from incorrect method of unwrapping . The sofa could be modeled better. You see space between the edges of the seat cushion and backrest .
Yeah, this happens because of this whole scene was exported from Sketchup, I was asked to give lessons about rendering with UE4 but I could not extend the subject on UVmapping, so I used a simpler approach, just a standard fast UV, and the results are not perfect, About the rest, there are no vessels on the scene, the sofa have problems because of the lightmap method I used to make the lesson.
Mexicola, I don’t use sketchup, It was for a class that I have to make, my students do use sketchup because its simpler, so I needed to make it on sketchup, if you find a good method to exporting to ureal that actually do a better job, pleas tell me!!! I really need it, hehe.
Thanks Jita, It took me a little more than two weeks I think, I probably could make it faster but I had issues with the textures, I didn’t wanted to use textures that where not public domain, so I had to create them one by one.
Pretty nice! As others stated some issues with light maps but mainly only seen in that first image prominently. But do not sell it for $5. Sell it for what it is worth other wise you are hurting not just your potential sales but others too by devaluing the work 2 weeks worth of work even on the side for fun or w/e should be more than $5. The video is kinda weak I feel with the camera angles and speeds. The last two shots of the dolly forward and then dolly back I think is taboo like that in the cinema world but I could be wrong, it just felt weird to me for sure.