Medium complex setup example?

Hello everyone,

I am getting into setting up all the logic and flows of my character behaviour and animation and was wondering if there is a good easy to read medium complex example anywhere?
I did the video tutorials setting up the third person char with the punching moves. They were great but now when I am trying to figure out my own flow it seems like this might not be enough to know how to set up a slightly more complex character.

I then booted up the couch knights example which is much closer to what I am aiming for. But this has got me really confused as it seems quite different from the video tutorial.
For example I can’t even figure out how the attack animation gets triggered? It seems to be using lots of anim notify’s but also a Blueprint Interface which I am not sure how it ties into the whole thing. Added to that are the networking setup bits, which I am not yet so hot at so they sort of obscure the view for me.

Does anyone know of an example or an animation tutorial somewhere inbetween these two?
