Medieval Game - Requiring 3D modeler for armor sets

Good evening,

We are looking for a 3d modeler for an indie medieval game we are creating. The purpose of the modeler willl be to create armor sets based on the character we have (human man for now).
However an important information on this is that it should include few morph values, as the character does have some morphs.

The armor sets will consist of: hauberk, plate mail, gauntlets, boots, leggings, shoulders and a helm.

If you have experience on this and are available, please send me a PM stating so and any previous work reference.

Best regards!

Hey there, what art style are you after? Will the armor be realistic or stylized? We’ve got experience modeling items for FP use (medieval starter kit) and could definitely handle this type of project if you’re looking for something realistic. I’ll send you over a PM now! Cheers!

Hi Namesis,

This sounds like an interesting project. We’ve done a few jobs like this. We’ve sent you a PM.

You can check out our portfolio here -

Just updating the post, we already started to work with someone and feel very confortable with the end results. Thank you for all the PMs

Hi there!

I sent you a private message.

Best regards,

That’s sounds great. I 'm already in the works of such a project in UE4 I’ll send you a PM in you interested in working together?

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