Medieval fantasy RTS/RTT game in dev

The beginning of a beautiful friendship between humans and orcs :slight_smile:
Combat test of my little RTS/RTT game in early state.

It would be good to find a cool project name not already taken, so any ideas are welcome :slight_smile:


Hi there @sivan,

Hope you’re well and having a wonderful week so far :slight_smile:

This looks great! The controls seem smooth and intuitive. Are there currently plans for PvP or is it mainly player Vs. computer?

Hi @PresumptivePanda,
atm I’m focusing on single player.
It is somewhat developed for multiplayer, but after I was able to double/triple unit quantity up to approx 1000 units to handle smoothly, it is rather okay only for coop with less units…
PvP would require a really smart replication system, which is not impossible, but significant time to rework, if I want to keep similar gameplay experience.

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Ah I see :slight_smile: Single-player can be just as fun with the right gameplay loop. It definitely seems like a lot of effort went into making the game feel immersive and engaging. Do you currently have plans to continue sharing development progress here?

Yes I’m trying to post something monthly. Atm I’m working on cavalry animations, but it takes more time than expected. Especially ranged units.

But apparently I have solved the most annoying multiplayer bugs according to editor tests in dedicated server mode, with network emulations.

Fog of war and Minimap is also approx ready.

New race: dwarves.

New units:

  • human light cavalry, knights, horse archers
  • dwarven light and heavy infantry, heavy archers

The attacking dwarf heavy infantry supported by heavy archers and catapults gets a lesson from the human cavalry.

Hello @sivan !

I love seeing new battle simulator games pop up because they’re each so unique while helping the genre fill up slightly. I admire the thought you’ve put into this with the addition of the dwarves. You make the overall aspect of being a tactician feel a little more appealing with the visual differences in your troops. As someone who can forget if things look too similar, I genuinely appreciate this.

I can’t wait to see what you add next!

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Spatial sounds test.

You can also notice that ranged units can have a secondary melee weapon, which will be even more useful when limited ammo is introduced. (Or units with long spears can switch to short swords in some cases.)

A fresh screenshot of the 1st online multiplayer test with 1000 units!
It was surprisingly smooth, despite the large network traffic.

Epic Online Services is used, and we had a relatively high ping (around 170), which is good for battle testing the system.

Group stance behavior test with 1000 units against easy AI.
No more idle units if you forget to send a command them, and enemy is within a certain range depending on the stance set.

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